How are you guys? It is Sunday night and I'm sitting here trying to name my ukulele. It got me to thinking about names and nicknames. How many nicknames have I even had? How do we get those? What are my nicknames?
Last night I went out to listen to some music with some of my CityFam friends here in Houston. Singles groups were all over this place! And I ended up meeting a really nice girl. She asked, “What makes CityFam different than any of these other groups out here?” I had to think for a second, “What makes CityFam different?”
So I thought I would just talk to you guys right where I am. This morning I've been reading & catching up on my book club stuff actually. It just felt like the right time to just talk to you guys. I would love for us in CityFam to be a culture of people who are not afraid to be real with each other. And so I think that that starts with us being real with each other.
Once you know what is best for you, then you can slowly clean up the trail of disorganization in your life.
Community and who you hang out with, directly effects you whether you believe it or not